Beautiful experience, great design...
Hey there Lucas,
I don't often give games a 9 or higher. But this one sure has proven itself
worthy. You've done a great job on the mood-set and the setting of the game.
The way how the music and the silence (with leaving nothing more than sound
effects) switched has been a great design decision for the overal mood-set.
How the music faded in was just wonderful, it really gave me that magical
feeling while playing. I was really living the fantasy and adventure in your world.
The concept worked perfectly, I also enjoyed finding those hidden pathways.
That always keeps you going for more. :P But I actually was hoping to expect
more of the game. I was hoping to unlock powers to get to area's that couldn't
be reached before (like high platforms in the sky). So I was hoping you would
take the game just one step further... Ah well, I can't have it all. ^___^"
Too bad the in-game menu was kind of hidden... These menu's must be
easy to enter and exit at all time (without actually searching for it... XD).
Also, it wasn't clear how you could achieve certain points like using the
"White Magic" for destroying these monsters. You did explain it in the beginning
of the game, but also on the very moment you receive this "White Magic" this
must be pointed out to the player so it knows THIS is the "White Magic" he has
to use to achieve the secondary goal. I also couldn't figure out another way to
obtain this power, so it seemed to me it was like a once shot goal. Please point
that out to the player, because it was a nasty disappointment to me when I
bumped into this.
The last thing that bothered me was the brief ending after you've defeated the
Boss for the final runestone. It's such a shame that a beautiful game like this
didn't get a fitting ending. =/
It's been a while that a game could move me in such a way, so mystical.
It kept my full attention all time, I even turned off the damn television the
moment I heard the music start playing and saw the world I jumped in. ^___^
It's a really good game, no doubt about it. This one's really worth a 9 to me,
But there are still some things that need improvement. The reason I give it a
9 lies more on the mood-set and overall experience of the game.
Please let me know what you think of this feedback. As a Game Designer I'm
trying to help you out so you can improve future work. If you like to receive
more in-depth feedback about your game, feel free to PM me and I shall respond
to you as soon as possible. There's more then just this feedback, believe me...
You're doing great I must say, keep it up!
Keep creating new things, experiment with different mood-sets
and game concepts. You'll get better and better. ^___^
Double thumbs up!
Erik van Wees